Lauren Wenstad sin profil

Eco-Friendly Paperboard Packaging Design

Eco-Friendly Packaging Design 

This packaging design was created for an International Paperboard Packaging competition. I worked in a team of three to conceptualize, design and print a sustainable paperboard package that was able to hold a live sapling. The end goal of this product was to ship these packages to schools all around the United States to teach students about the benefits of planting trees and using paperboard packaging. The requirements for this project include being able to design a paperboard package that is able to hold a live sapling, contain educational materials for children and be self-shippable.
When researching, we found that the typical way to ship live plants, such as succulents and flowers, is through a honeycomb shaped package that contains shredded paper to keep the live plant inside from moving around. When we approached this project, we wanted to do something similar. We found that choosing a hexagonal shape not only fit in with the brand’s logo but also was very efficient when packaging at large quantities. We chose to create a “hashtag” shaped insert to keep the sapling inside from moving around and to act as a support for the fragile tree trunk.  
Design Choices:
When creating our designs, we used the branding guidelines of the competition that were given to us. The font family, Montserrat was used, along with six branded colors that can be seen throughout. When printing, we used water based inks that were biodegradable and easily recycled when this package reaches the end of its lifespan. We tried to keep our designs relatively clean and minimal as to showcase the beauty and usability of paperboard packaging. That being said, we also had to make sure our designs appealed to children– we did so by making our packaging interactive and showcasing a plethora of fun and kid-friendly illustrations!
Educational Aspects:
We wanted to extend our packaging further than just a box used for transportation. We found it important to create value within the box that makes children want to keep it forever. In an environmental competition such as this one, we felt the extra importance to make sure that this package demonstrates the value in “reusing” a product. Therefore, we decided to print an education board game on the inside of this package! The board game was designed to be simple and educational– with game pieces and cards that teach children about being eco-friendly!  
Final Prototype:
Eco-Friendly Paperboard Packaging Design

Eco-Friendly Paperboard Packaging Design
