Katelyn White 的个人资料

An Environmental Portrait: The Artist

An Environmental Portrait: The Artist
ARTS 361 Photography Assignment 7
I am so excited with how these portraits turned out for the final assignment in my Digital Photography class! After scrolling through Pinterest for some inspiration, I decided to ask Lila if she would help me out (if you know me, her and her sister are my go-to models!!). Most of these shots were created in her home studio–aka her bedroom–with her favorite tools, the afternoon sunlight, and lots of laughs in between!
I'm becoming more and more comfortable with directing subjects and trying new things. Also still learning Lightroom, so I decided to play around with some color grading for the first time. I wanted to maintain a natural look but still go for a warm, subtly faded edit.
This was a picture I specifically wanted to recreate from another portrait photographer via Pinterest. They edited the picture black and white except for one strip of color where the brush would have "painted" the subject's face.
An Environmental Portrait: The Artist


An Environmental Portrait: The Artist

A creative portrait session by Northern Maine photographer of an artist in her studio.
