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Shawn Stumpf Sarasota Examines How Boating Helps Releas

Shawn Stumpf Sarasota Examines How Boating Helps Release Tension
Shawn Stumpf Sarasota is an avid outdoorsman who recently discussed the many benefits of boating and how it creates a calmer mind and body in a way that is often hard to get with other types of techniques. In today’s complex and fast-paced world, such relaxation is essential for the mind and body.

How Shawn Stumpf of Sarasota Uses Boating to Calm His Mind

Over the years, Shawn Stumpf Sarasota has turned to various outdoor activities to calm his fears and worries. And boating has become one of the most powerful ways to handle these feelings.
Though he often goes fishing when he goes out on his boat, sometimes Shawn Stumpf Sarasota simply rides his boat on the waves and experiences the benefits that this process has to offer.

First of all, he believes that boating activates what some professionals call a “blue mind” or one that is free of fear and anxiety. Shawn Stumpf Sarasota states that most people in the modern world struggle to achieve this balance because of the day-to-day demands of life. And stress can cause many physical and mental health disorders, problems Shawn Stumpf Sarasota knows all too well.

However, achieving a blue mind is very easy when boating, he says. First of all, Shawn Stumpf Sarasota says that the waves on the water will cause a rocking motion similar to that which people feel when being rocked by their mother as children. This connection is vital to consider because rocking naturally calms the mind and the body, making a person feel more at peace.

And as Shawn Stumpf Sarasota rides on his boat, he finds that a profound sense of peacefulness comes over him and others in the boat. Being outside and feeling the wind through his hair, smelling the water around him, and experiencing the pure joy of boating helps Shawn Stumpf Sarasota feel a level of relaxation that he struggles to find in any other way.

However, he believes that this state of mind is best achieved when boating in a specific manner. While Shawn Stumpf Sarasota does enjoy riding his boat fast from time to time, speed boats don’t relax the mind. They engaged it in an exciting sport that is thrilling and hard to top. Instead, Shawn Stumpf Sarasota suggests sitting for a while on the boat and just letting the waves take it away.

Doing so will rest the brain, produce a sense of meditation in the boater, and create a sensational feeling that is hard to get with other methods. Shawn Stumpf Sarasota likes to sit on his boat and think, allowing his thoughts to go elsewhere as he engages with the world around him and lets the reality of his life briefly drift away on a cloud of relaxation and happiness.
Shawn Stumpf Sarasota Examines How Boating Helps Releas

Shawn Stumpf Sarasota Examines How Boating Helps Releas
