Lee-Anne King sin profil

Visual Identity and Portfolio

With this being said about myself, I created a simple visual identity that best described me as a designer. My logo consists of two fonts, being Gitchgitch and Jellyka- estrya’s handwriting of which both describe me. One font is  structured and solid and the other is free-flowing and  independant respectively. In addition to my logo, I created a concept that is derived from the everyday object of a clothes iron. I have carried this through as a pattern through-out my design work, as ths indentation found on the flat surface of a clothes iron. As I am a lover of the  simple things in life that make a big impact, I see myself as a clothes iron that irons out the unnecessary creases, leaving behind a smooth and desired finish. Along with my love for  simplicity I enjoy a splash of a bright colour that is eye-catching yet subtle at the same time. As a designer and art director I would like to grow in my craft and to make a difference in how we view creativity.
Visual Identity and Portfolio

Visual Identity and Portfolio

Final Portfolio work, representing my visual identity.
