The final project involved creating a composition to represent each deadly sin or virtue through various methods. I decided to go with virtues, because I wanted to create something filled with positive energy. I also felt that I would be more successful with virtues because of the colors and imagery I like to use. 

To view my progress pictures and inspirations, click here.

Here are the following requirements we had to meet for each spread:
Chastity: analog collage
Temperance: typography solution
Charity: personal photo with model
Diligence: personal photo with model, in duotone
Patience: photographed found object
Kindness: hand-lettering on photo
Humility: constructed image incorporating word
The Front Cover
Chastity: a lack of sexual sin. I chose to cover a nude woman with a lily, since lilies are a symbol of purity.
Kindness: I used plant metaphors and symbolism a lot throughout this project. When I think of kindness, I think of helping others, so I decided to use roses for the photograph, since you have to take care of flowers if you want them to bloom.
Humility: The first thing I think of when I hear this word is avoiding the pressure to be perfect. I feel that this related well to the concept of makeup and how we are pressured to look "presentable". I wanted this image to represent no longer caring so much about superficial things like how you look to others, so I removed the actual mirror part from a hand mirror, and placed a dirty makeup removing wipe in the composition. The lillies appear again in this image because they are also symbolic of humility.
Seven Virtues

Seven Virtues
