Irene Welten's profileEvi Cremers's profile


This flexible unit is designed for students and contains four scenarios; sleeping (1 extra guest), relaxing (4 persons), eating (4 persons) and studying.
The concept is based upon two separate zones; eating & studying vs sleeping & relaxing, because a student cannot fully relax when seeing the study-area. In between these two zones is a neutral zone for storage.
The main inspiration was the ‘FLKS series’ by designerduo ‘KapteinBolt’, where from a flat basis a space is created when unfolding. Eventually the ‘Sheetseat’ by ‘Ufuk Keskin’ is used as folded chair. 
The name 'Kotpakt' is a combination of the words; 'kot' (Flemisch name for a room in a studenthouse) and 'compact'. 

Erika Biets, Evi Cremers, Liselore d'Hont, Irene Welten
September 2012 - January 2013

Created during study Interior design at KASK, School of Arts, Gent 