Koh Xin Abraham sin profil

Wilderness and Domesticity 2020 onwards

Wilderness and Domesticity in 2020 onwards
Title: Toy Dog
Date: 2020
Description: Using acrylic painting on big canvas (72x52cm)

This painting shows a little pet dog among a pile of toys. The dog can be mistaken for a toy when we first look at it. 
I was observing how my mum's friend, Auntie Ruth and her daughters, treat Miko their pet dog. They dress her up, tie her fur with ribbons and play with her when they feel like it. When they get bored with Miko, they put her in a confined space and leave her there, They treat her like a toy. 
I feel sorry for Miko. I think she has no freedom. She has lost her identity. She depends on humans for survival. I think she will die if she is thrown into the wilderness. 
So people who want to have pets must think carefully about the responsibility. It will be cruel to abandon the pets. 
In this painting I used realism approach and all prima technique.

Title: I wonder If......
Date: 2020
Description: Using acrylic painting on big canvas (72x52cm)

This painting shows Bubbles, my Aunt Christina's dog, sitting on a cosy carpet looking out of the window. The carpet depicts the comfort that Bubbles get by being a pet dog. He gets food to eat, baths, walks and hugs. He is very pampered by his owner. 
Bubbles gazes out at the wilderness. Perhaps he is thinking of freedom out there. Maybe he is wondering whether he will be happier to be free or if he can survive without Aunt Christina's care. Has he become too domesticated? Has his lost his wild instincts? Are animals meant to roam free?
In this painting, I used a more stylized approach. The techniques I tried are scumbling and alla prima. 
Wilderness and Domesticity 2020 onwards

Wilderness and Domesticity 2020 onwards


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