a personal project

Life over 80...

“ The emotion captured pulls life into the furthest corners from where we sit and play. Young minds never to cease... wrinkles bear witness and testify to the finity of life! ”- John Rostance

“ The Extraordinary, celebrates the faces and identities of those over the age of 80. With many of these people relegated to the fringes of consciousness, its too easy to dismiss or forget about our elders. These photographs render the subjects in remarkable clarity, giving them a certain individuality that is truly remarkable.” - wallpaperrepublic
AOP Awards 2012 - Open Category - // Achievements:

in November 2012 I entered my first photographic competition for the AOP awards and got short listed ( Honorable Mention ) from 3500 entries to the top 60 with a photograph from the series the "Extraordinary". The image has been on exhibition around Europe for the last year.
Thank you
The Extraordinary

The Extraordinary

