Hello friends and illustration enthusiasts, happy to finally share this commisioned project that I finished at the end of 2019 but for one reason or another has not been published until now, it is a deck of poker cards designed by me. I created all these illustrations in photoshop and place them into mock ups in order to promote the project campaing on kickstarter hoping someday real photos of the product will replace them :)


I have always liked how overwhelming the ocean looks and how deep it can be, I imagine all kinds of mythical creatures living in the depths, will they be intelligent? At the same time I wonder what they will be like and even though I can't swim I always imagine myself exploring the depths in some kind of submarine or swimming device. Mystical Pirates is the search for secrets and unimaginable treasures in a deep sea adventure. Choose your faction and face great challenges and earn the respect of your pirate adversaries.

Currently the project is on kickstarter being supported and if you like it please share some love and support 

Mystical pirates

Mystical pirates
