Anushree Agarwal's profile

Illustrations and GIFs for 'Compassion Contagion'

Compassion Contagion
Made illustrations and GIFs for this online archive created by Pooja Dhingra and Nida Ansari, to record acts of compassion during the pandemic, through stories, art and graphic narratives.

Animals' people
Art Direction by Pooja Dhingra
It’s Their Planet Too! 
All Creatures Great and Small, an animal sanctuary by Anjali Gopalan is an alternate, joyous place for all animals.
A Plea For Animals
Can schools play a role in building compassion and empathy for animals in children?
The Kids Are Not Alright - Plight Of Animals During The Pandemic
Stray animals had a tough time scavenging for food during the lockdown.
A Network Of Frontline Animal Welfare Warriors
Many animal lovers risked their lives to feed and rescue the strays.
Cat Café Studio conducted private appointments for cat adoption during the lockdown.
In Solidarity With Strays 
Many compassionate vets deferred payments and guided animal lovers with treatments through video calls.
The Many Languages Of Compassion 
Priya Chetty Rajagopal filed countless petitions advocating for animal rights during the lockdown.
Govind, a sanitation worker cooked for many strays during the lockdown.
Care for Caregivers  
Mental Health of animal rescuers, feeders and activists is often overlooked even though they see pain and suffering on a daily basis.
We the People
Digital Portraits
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Thank you :)
Illustrations and GIFs for 'Compassion Contagion'


Illustrations and GIFs for 'Compassion Contagion'
