Invoice Manager. A program to help streamline your invoice creation. If you use excel to create invoices, this quick program can help you mass create pre-existing Excel invoices, for your next invoicing cycle.
Programmed with naming conventions in mind, this program works primarily with a dated format (MMYY) at the end of your file name. This allows mass invoice copying, renaming, and printing with a click of a button instead of a days work
Main menu of Excel program. Giving you options to mass create invoices, mass print invoices, or exit program
Invoice creation page. With directory functionality to select a specific folder to retrieve previous month invoices, and select a destination to send new invoices to. This includes features such as filtering to select specific invoices if your invoice naming identifiers.
This system primarily selects last month invoices, copies, and renames them with the latest date format at the end of the file name (MMYY).
Example of retrieving a list of excel file invoices with naming system. replacing ending date "0421" to "0521", and filtering to select only "WHOLE" invoices in the filter field.
Once "create" is pressed the new excel invoices are instantly created into the designated folder. This program's goal is to streamline invoice creation to instantly recreate next months invoices for updating and processing.
Window to mass print invoices for review or for mailing. similar to the creation window, you have a directory search for the specific folder holding the invoices you are looking for. Along with filtering to print specific invoices if you have a naming convention in place to separate different types of invoices.
Additional Options include being able to select a specific printer to print invoices if you don't want your default printer to process the print job
Invoice Manager

Invoice Manager
