Every now and then, we need to take a break from our everyday world, to explore new horizons and experience something different. For us, it means travelling on endless roads, seeking adventure and capturing it on camera.
One of our most memorable trips was our first journey to the stunning Norway. We couldn't stop taking countless photos, trying to capture the essence of every beautiful place we visited. From the majestic fjords to the picturesque towns, every corner was a photographer's dream. It was here that we discovered our passion for capturing locations through HDRi Domes.
We quickly realized that HDRi photography was the perfect way to showcase the natural beauty of these locations and make them useful for CGI. We became obsessed with capturing the best shots and waiting hours for the perfect lighting conditions.
To validate that our efforts paid off, we created our own set of CGI renderings, having fun placing digital models (of mostly our own modelling) of beautiful cars, from the legendary Stingray to the eponymous German off-roader.
And after plenty of hard work and dedication, we're thrilled to share our
It's a culmination of years of adventure and experimentation, bringing together our passion for the world of CGI, photography and the thrill of exploring new places.
For us the feeling of the open road is simply unmatched. The freedom to explore the world at our own pace, to take in the beauty of each new destination on our own terms - these are some of the things that drive our passion for travel and photography. 
The renderings we made represent our vision for the use of our HDRi sets. A less polished, free of fake lensflares, images that convey sense of adventure often on unpaved roads, far from racing track.
Whether we're heading towards the polar circle, crossing seas or climbing mountains, we're always on the lookout for new locations and experiences to inspire our work and capture further intriguing locations.
Our goal was to create perfectly calibrated HDRi Domes with fully matching backplate photography for ease of use. And it comes with added bonus, LUT files. With two LUTs for every set, we made it possible for everyone to achieve stunning results even without any postproduction.
Join us on this exciting journey as we continue to explore the world, find new locations, and bring you the perfect HDRi sets for your projects. From the lush forests to the frozen tundras, we will continue to seek out the best locations and capture the essence of every beautiful place we visit.
Make sure to fully immerse yourself in our free HDRi set by downloading it from our website, and don't forget to share your thoughts with us.
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