Robert Trupps profil

Self driven art images

Since earliest of days we as  humans have feared the unknown, creating imagery to give form to the fearsome thoughts. Meet Khondra, huntress of fools and idiots.
Part 1 of developing series called "Adventures of Nikki"
Part 1a of developing series called "Adventures of Nikki"
Part 1b of developing series called "Adventures of Nikki"
This is an idea shot that has more development coming but she is able to show this to friends and family.
Did several shots that sat around waiting for a "purpose". This nude profile was matched up with a study image on fabric scans to be a part of Contour Mapping, explained in a Scott Kelby book.
Binary Woman
Many years before I started Face and Body painting a housemate of mine encouraged me to take a look at tattoos. We tested this out on her using a Sharpie.
The symbol means "Dragon"
it is on her A__.
My dad always was say'n "Quit yer draggon a__, and get over here!"
In San Francisco I was developing a practice of fashion shoots and started getting pblished images and haappy clients. One such image was okay on it's own. Later I was taking pictures of the Oakland Symphony and one of the violinists was warming up in a back hallway. End result was to sandwich these two slides together.
The Muscian and his Muse
"Beauty stays the blade...harm comes to none"
Part of a series called "Women and Weapons"
Mysterious and forlorn is the gaze of eternity
This young woman and I had several photo sessions, with this one in a cemetary and us doing in-camera double exposures. This image has remained a favorite for both of us.
Self driven art images

Self driven art images

The main internal process in each of these image subjects was an attempt to capture an essence, to show a passion, to establish a turning point i Læs mere
