Project Overview
This is a team project designing a HTML/CSS to create a website for Bay Area Boxing. Bay Area Boxing asked to update their current website with a simplistic, professional style and to use their current color scheme from their logo. 

Bay Area Boxing is dedicated to providing high quality, authentic, boxing, kickboxing training classes in a clean and safe environment. They aim to help people learn the benefits of living an active lifestyle through fun and interesting programs, but also welcomes everyone who simply wants to get in shape or compete one day. They provide additional instructional classes such as Boxing, Muay Thai Kickboxing, MMA, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. BAB is located in Belmont, CA.
Bay Area Boxing website needs to be revamped so newcomers can easily search for information. The target audience to use the website is 18-30 years old, however there are classes available for kids. The UI needs to be simple, but professional. At the request of the client, my partner and I kept the brand colors.

Competitive Analysis
Bay Area Boxing is located in Belmont, CA this is an area that tends to have a community with high incomes. BAB (Bay Area Boxing) is priced below the typical market value for the area with an initiation fee of $99 and a month to month price of $149 with no contract or a $99 sign-up fee and $139 with a 1-year commitment. To maintain an edge on our competition we on the sale’s team are allowed to be flexible on reducing and sometimes even waving the sign-up fee for those who are looking to join. All these gyms have an initiation fee, including BAB’s studio. Aloha and Undisputed have a higher month to month fee and have a $99 initiation fee. The differences are larger facilities, and offers a few more amenities.

User Interviews
The main insight was potential clients cared more about access to free weights, squat racks, and areas that provide space to exercise. They were more interested in classes that are smaller, more intimate classes so they can learn more. This is an advantage that Bay Area Boxing has, since the classes are limited to 10 to 20 participants. Location and price were secondary needs compared to what the gyms could offer, but were still important to potential clients who are looking for gyms to sign up.
Bay Area Boxing

Bay Area Boxing



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