MATERIALS, PROCESSES, AND IDEAS: I used Adobe Illustrator to create this project, specifically the pen tool and the shape builder tool (mostly the pen tool!). I also used the brush tool to create her hair, from which I used a customized brush, since I did not like the other options. For my process, I first sketched a rough draft using a pencil and paper to find what I wanted her to look like. I wanted to place her head in a way that really showed off her brows, since I am hoping to defy the beauty standard. I then brought my ideas to life in Illustrator and added color.
PRACTICE, EXPERIMENTATION, AND REVISION: I've done two other projects like this one: one with vitiligo and another with a larger nose. Thus, I have had a bit of practice with the vector portrait style that I am using. I didn't really do that much experimentation with this project though, since I had a clearer idea of what I wanted her to look like. However, from my original idea, I did add a few things, particularly the jewelry. I added a chain necklace and a nose piercing, which I thought were rather bold, like her unibrows (which are rather uncommon nowadays since people shave them. They're not the typical beauty standard).
Sustained Investigation #3
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Sustained Investigation #3

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