Suso Digital's profile

Content Optimization

Have you ever heard of the phrase ‘don’t cry over spilt milk’? It means don’t let yourself be upset about something that has already happened. The thing is, people are always going to leave your website. But it’s how you react to these situations and what you do next that matters most.

By identifying a site’s content weaknesses relative to a set of core themes, we can pinpoint areas that are ripe for improvement. We perform extensive competitor analysis to identify priority technical fixes and strategic improvements. These efforts are then layered into an ongoing SEO strategy, which we build and optimize over time.

Our SEO copywriting services will assist with converting more of your website visitors into paying customers. Our SEO copywriting services cover all aspects of content marketing to improve online visibility and build brand awareness and trust. From the initial SEO audit through to full ownership of the SEO copywriting, our SEO copywriters will deliver fast-loading, unique, quality content.

When Google first started the Hummingbird algorithm update, we noticed large spikes in keywords that were previously ranking on the first page on Google no longer showed up. At the same time, we noticed a rise in highly competitive keywords that pre-ranked on page one before the update was implemented.

Unfortunately, there is no silver bullet for content marketing success and there is no one approach that will work for all businesses. There are, however, some general guidelines that you can follow to help ensure your content marketing is effective with the strategy you use to get there.

This is why it is so important to understand your audience and key terms that are relevant to them. It’s also important to understand how people search for your product or service and what they are searching for. This information can be found in keywords research – using tools like Google Keyword Planner – and can help you in writing your on-page SEO.

SEO is a long term strategy that requires patience, but when used properly can provide long term results with high ROI. We begin with an upfront consultation where we learn about your business and goals. We then do an onsite SEO audit to determine where we can optimize your site for increased organic traffic. Based on the findings of our audit, we develop a strategy and then implement it for you.

The key to getting good links is by writing great content. Informative content (especially long form) that is useful to users, contains keywords and phrases relevant to your market, and is distributed through relevant channels (SEO, networking, social media) can help build links back to your site. Optimizing this content can help increase its chances of being shared and recognized by Google as a quality resource for users searching for information on your topic.
Content Optimization

Content Optimization


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