Profil appartenant à Aparna Menon

Virasat- Service Design

Virasat- Gifting Your Memories Back to You
This project was for a class called 'Second Thoughts' that deals with- Finding, Making and Influencing connections, Brand Strategy, Typographic Form & Communication and Lifecycle of Material. 
How would the world be if we reimagined and reinterpreted the historically taken-for-granted practices and processes? Reimagining allows you to redefine existing thoughts, patterns and purposes.
This project focusses on 'Renewal'-resuming something after an interruption and 'Revival'-something becoming popular, active, or important again.
What is Virasat?
Virasat is a brand that provides the service of customizing heirlooms into functional products/memorabilia for their owners that helps bring back heirloom culture, preserve the memory and also add a unique aesthetic.
The thought behind it:
We often have clothes that we attach sentiments to but do not know what to do with them.
Virasat takes them and provides a variety of services- renewing your clothes into one or more product that you can use or keep, and restoration of old clothes.
We have a significant style of adding crafted pleats, ruffles, and folds (inspired by the draping styles and pleats of sarees and lehengas with a quality stitch) to personalize your heirlooms into products, which makes it stand out.
Customization is making on-demand, which is the opposite of what fast fashion is all about. Therefore, we hope to revive heirloom culture and the emotion behind it, as well as help increase the longevity of these pieces.
Unique Selling Point:
We personalize and tailor-make heirlooms into useful objects of memory. Creating an opportunity for people to create an heirloom for their future generation, we focus on the sentiment and nostalgia behind the heirloom piece.
Research Process
Design process
Business Model
Down the Memory Lane:
As a customer, when you walk into the store with your heirloom, you will sit in the story booth with a design consultant for the 'down the memory lane' process.
Here, you will share your memories and stories behind your heirloom and the emotional connection between you and the piece, as we want to be able to retain the nostalgic authenticity while making the product. We also offer a range of set products in the catalogue that you can choose from in case you do not have a preference.
Product Mock-ups
Branding, Catalogue and Product Tag
Marketing Asset- Focused on story telling
Future of this Project:
Until now, we have been able to establish a brand with clear visual language and core.
To further build on this brand and service, we would ideally create a larger marketing
campaign - posters, hoardings, and flyers. We would also hope to look into the financial
placings and details of this working system.
It could also be interesting to explore how the interior decoration would happen for a store of this service - how our brand translates to physical form could be very interesting to see.
If the brand were to expand to other states it would help promote heirloom culture and the
emotion behind it.

Aparna Menon and Reeya Vyas- Business and Service design
Nandini Chowdhary- Visual Communication
Saniya Chand and Shandili Hegde- Product Design
Virasat- Service Design
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Virasat- Service Design

Virasat is a brand that provides the service of customizing heirlooms into functional products/memorabilia to revive heirloom culture.

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