Profil appartenant à Dr. Navid Vahedi

Dr. Navid Vahedi Discusses How A Vitamin Routine Can

Dr. Navid Vahedi Discusses How A Vitamin Routine Can Transform Your Life
Dr. Navid Vahedi recently discussed how a vitamin routine could transform your life.

Vitamins have long been known to support human well-being. However, recent studies are proving just how beneficial vitamins can be. Dr. Navid Vahedi of Los Angeles is a firm believer that proper nutrition and a healthy diet can prevent many illnesses. He is a strong proponent for Functional Medicine's benefits and recently discussed how a vitamin routine could drastically improve your life.

"The underlying causes of so many diseases are the hormones, antibiotics, pesticides, and other toxins we consume daily," Dr. Navid Vahedi of Fusion RX Compounding Pharmacy said. "These toxins are making the world sick, and many diseases can be prevented by choosing proper nutrition over quick, easy, toxic foods."

Dr. Navid Vahedi of Fusion RX Compounding Pharmacy explained that a recent review showed a set of known vitamins could lengthen a person's lifespan and help promote superior wellness while aging.

Dr. Navid Vahedi added that different vitamins and nutrients play different roles. He explained two types of proteins, known as "longevity proteins" and "survival proteins." Survival proteins support the basic human processes of reproduction and survival, while longevity proteins protect our bodies from damage.

"Nutrient deficiencies cause the body to sacrifice longevity proteins in favor of survival proteins," Dr. Navid Vahedi of Fusion RX Compounding Pharmacy said. "This can lead to a higher risk of developing certain diseases."

Dr. Navid Vahedi explained that there are more than 30 vitamins shown to improve longevity. Some of the most integral nutrients keeping our bodies healthy and promoting longevity are vitamin D, vitamin K, magnesium, selenium, and omega-3 fatty acids. Dr. Navid Vahedi of Fusion RX Compounding Pharmacy explained that these nutrients play important roles in maintaining heart health, preventing cell damage, and repairing DNA.

"It's important to note that proper nutrition via a well-designed vitamin routine is key to preventing certain diseases," Dr. Navid Vahedi of Fusion RX Compounding Pharmacy said. "This is very different from curing diseases, as these diseases can be difficult to combat once they are already present."

Dr. Navid Vahedi emphasized the importance of beginning a vitamin routine and paying strong attention to your nutritional intake before developing poor cardiovascular health or other often preventable chronic diseases. According to Dr. Navid Vahedi, being more mindful about a healthy diet, complete with balanced vitamins and nutrients, can be the key to living a longer life in superior health.

Caroline Hunter
Web Presence, LLC
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Dr. Navid Vahedi Discusses How A Vitamin Routine Can
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Dr. Navid Vahedi Discusses How A Vitamin Routine Can

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