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Brand Strategy for activewear brand Peachylean

Picture this 
You're a proud mum and it's your teenage daughter's birthday. 
You found the perfect gift: a fresh pair of her fave leggings. She loves these leggings coz they help her feel confident and comfy whether she's out and about, working out or diving onto the couch.

You've been super busy and you didn't quite get the order in in time. 

So the leggings haven't arrived. And it's Saturday. In a bit of a panic, you fire off an email, hoping for a miracle.

Then the doorbell rings.
You're greeted with a big smile and a beautifully wrapped gift. 
Inside is not just a brand new pair of leggings, but a birthday card, chocolates and some thoughtful extras. 

You thank your courier with sweet relief: her name is Sharon. 
She's just driven halfway across the city, on a Saturday, to make sure your daughter spends her birthday with a big smile on her face.

Here's the thing
Sharon isn't a courier. She's the CEO of Peachylean.

Peachylean makes super supportive, mega comfy activewear for every body, everywhere. Peachylean gives women the support they deserve.

The people at Peachylean go out of their way to give women the support they deserve. That's why the story about Sharon the CEO driving halfway across the city to hand deliver a pair of leggings to an anxious mum for her daughter's birthday is so important. It tells us everything we need to know about the DNA of the Peachylean brand.

The Challenge
Get a consistent look and clear message.
Get everyone from creative to customers on the same page.

In 2020 Peachylean was evolving from a kitchen table business to an international brand. The founder was going on Dragons Den (Shark Tank UK) at the end of the year and wanted to walk through those scary elevator doors feeling confident about the brand look and clear about the brand message.

It was integral to get everyone, from the creatives to the customers, on the same page. That way the team could delegate and trust their partners to be on brand and customers could easily spot that this was a brand that sees them and cares about them.

The Strategy
Celebrate the epic in the everyday.
Help women fire their inner critic by showing them how epic they are in their everyday life, so they can feel comfy in their skin.

You know how it can be easy to feel like success is something that lives over the horizon? As if we'll finally be able to feel comfy in our skin once we win that promotion or lose that weight or earn our stripes?

Well we believe that happiness is not the result of change, but the first ingredient. We want people to feel comfy in their skin, exactly as they are, right now. Because when we're happy to be ourselves, we're free to become anyone we want to be.

That's why Peachylean celebrates the journey, not the destination: the little things along the way that make life special. The epic moments in the everyday. Like having a good auld stretch on the couch, taking the doggo for a walk or running for the bus! Every little counts.

The Results
• Jan 2021 revenue was higher than the whole year of 2019
• Client won investment on Dragon's Den (Shark Tank UK)
• Team is confidently sharing the brand message in the media
• Partners (like the PR team) are feeling "energized and flowing with ideas"


Peachlyean has a wonderful community full of amazing women, who share their stories and support each other on their journeys. One woman climbed Mount Everest. One woman went from not being able to swim to becoming a triathlete... in five months!!! And one woman who hadn't left her house in four years found the amazing courage to walk her kids to school... in a pair of Peachylean leggings.

The Mission

The Strategy

Messaging Examples

Brand Identity

Brand Guides

Client Feeback

"Working with you guys was like entering Disneyland for brands"
- Sharon, CEO

"The heart and core of everybody in our team is in that messaging"
- Fiona, COO

"It makes me want to buy their leggings"
- Erin, PR Team

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Bye bye Xx

Brand Strategy for activewear brand Peachylean


Brand Strategy for activewear brand Peachylean

How we helped our client Peachylean build a brand they felt proud to share, so they could win investment on Dragon's Den UK.

