Andrijana Stefanović 的個人檔案

Constelation Calendar for 2021

Let me introduce you to my calendar:

Ever since I was a kid, I was fascinated by stars and constellations. I could not believe that we had something so beautiful right above our heads. I was mesmerised by the constant flickering of stars and change that came with every passing season.

But, in the end, I grew up and didn't gaze at the stars anymore. They became something distant and strange. The beauty I used 
to see in them was gone. 
Now its time to change that!

This calendar is more than just dates and pictures. In it, each month is represented by a constellation that is visible on a northern hemisphere during said month. Colorful pages represent change and fluidity, as the time and the seasons move forward in subtle steps. With its dynamic compositions, the calendar is supposed to give us a feeling of both the peace and motion, teaching us that everything in life needs a balance.
Typography is used to represent both the contemporary lifestyle with a sans serif font and connection to ourselves via handwritten typeface. In the end, the calendar should remind us that during the stressful times we could all, from time to time, use a little break to reconnect with nature.

Designed by: Andrijana Stefanović

Constelation Calendar for 2021

Constelation Calendar for 2021

This calendar is more than just dates and pictures. In it, each month is represented by a constellation that is visible on a northern hemisphere 閱讀更多
