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Social media posts : @walk_of_h.o.p.e

Social media creatives for @walk_of_h.o.p.e
walk of H.O.P.E
Waste Management Company
"Let's walk towards sustainable waste management, green Livelihood and economy of nurturance."

Let us call ourselves 'healers of planet earth'. You ask how?
There are various things by which humans try and heal our precious planet earth and the life on it. Similarly, we have tried and picked the biggest way to heal our earth, which is WASTE MANAGEMENT.

It's a walk we take, A WALK OF HOPE. That walk isn't merely working of 2-3 pairs to feet, but it seeks the congregation of thousands of feet. And guess what, one of the feet is YOURS.

So Let's unite for a cause and make it our achievement.
We need your help in it to call each being A HEALER OF PLANET EARTH.
World Environment Day

Theme for this year's Environment day is 'Reimagine. Recreate. Restore. Restore'.
Ecosystem restoration means preventing, halting and reversing this damage to go from exploiting nature to healing it. Let us create ways to reduce the trash going to the huge landfills. For example,
We can reuse the plastic bottles to make planters, containers, bird feeders etc.

World Bicycle Day

World Bicycle Day celebrate draws attention to recognize the longevity, uniqueness and versatility of the bicycle, and that it is an affordable, reliable, simple, clean and environmentally fit sustainable means of transport.

World Milk day

Milk packets are made of low-density polyethylene (LDPE), which is a subclass of plastics. To be recycled, this type of plastic has to be compressed at a high temperature and in a certain shape; else, they add no value.
If such pieces do not reach the recycling units, it disintegrates into microplastics, that is, less than five millimeters in length, like the size of microbeads used in gels and toothpaste.
Rain and wind carry these smaller fragments into drainage systems, which could lead to clogging. These can even enter water bodies, and as a result, marine organisms may mistakenly consume them.
But if a portion of the packet is snipped off, make sure to put it in the main packet before disposing of it.
Let us make sure to not take out small plastic pieces, while opening any polythene cover.
When we all follow this we can save crores of small pieces getting into forest, water bodies & landfills.
Let us remember how difficult it is to collect these & recycle. 
World no-tobacco day

We all know that chewing tobacco, snuff, or smokeless tobacco effects health adversely with oral cancers, gum disease, tooth decay (cavities), tooth loss, and bad breath.
Various reports indicate that cigarette butts are the single most littered item in the world, surpassing plastics with 2 billion pounds of butts tossed aside annually.
Most cigarette filters, the part that looks like white cotton, are actually made of plastic fibers (cellulose acetate) which can take up to 10 years to decompose!

Menstrual hygiene day 28th May 2021

Hygiene-related practices of women during menstruation are of considerable importance, as it may increase vulnerability to Reproductive Tract Infections (RTI's). Hygiene is important especially during the menstrual cycle. As we know that pads have non biodegradable plastic layers and tampons too cause a lot of health issues if not used properly and increase waste.
While a Menstrual cup can hold more liquid than tampons or pads. They are known to hold twice as much liquid as sanitary napkins and tampons. They can be useful on days of heavy flow, washed in boiling water and re-used. Menstrual cups are eco-friendly and hassle free.

Eco-friendly and reusable alternatives
Disposable but non-compostable -
Sanitary pads made of non-compostable raw materials like plastic barriers, super absorbent polymers
Used only 1 time but takes 500-800 years to decompose

Disposable but compostable-
Sanitary pads made of compostable raw materials (e.g. Saathi pads, Carmesi, etc.)
Used only 1 time and takes 3-6 months to decompose
@mycarmesi @saathipads

Products made of reusable materials such as menstrual cups, washable cloth pads, period panties, and sponges
Can be used multiple times (upto 5-10 years) and are recyclable or bio-degradable.
Burning plastic/garbage is bad 

Plastic is a petroleum-based material, and when burned it's like any other fossil fuel: it releases climate pollution. This in turn leads to rising sea levels, increased ocean and air toxicity, and destruction of coral reefs and other marine life.
Burning trash and plastic can cause long-term health problems. The toxic chemicals released during burning include nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) and polycyclic organic matter (POMs). Burning plastic and treated wood also releases heavy metals and toxic chemicals, such as dioxin.

Cloth bag over plastic bag

A step towards Smart City Dahod's ZERO WASTE mission is to take our own reusable cloth bags while shopping rather than single-use plastic bags.
Cloth bags are better than plastic bags for many reasons, but two of the biggest reasons are: Cloth bags are reusable, decreasing the need to use more materials for single-use production, and. Cloth bags reduce plastic use and therefore plastic pollution.

International Biological Diversity day

The International Biological Diversity day is celebrated to make people aware of the biodiversity across the planet which pays an important role in our lives.
It is also to remind ourselves and people that we must not misuse or damage the resources and biodiversity of our planet. We shall pledge to not pollute it without waste and handle/dispose of the waste responsibly.
The Tauktae cyclone leaving behind over 62k KG of waste on the sea shore is an example of how much we throw away in our oceans and how it gets returned to us and teaches us a lesson.
We often forget that our irresponsible handling of waste and damage would return back to us.

Zero Waste 

Zero Waste is waste prevention that encourages reuse of products. The goal is for no trash to be sent to landfills, incinerators or the ocean. Currently, only 9% of plastic is actually recycled. It conserves resources and minimizes pollution. Zero waste approach conserves natural resources and reduces pollution from extraction, manufacturing and disposal.

How can we individually achieve zero waste at home?

- The best tool for zero waste is to avoid producing anything that needs to be disposed of in trash, composting or recycling bins
- One can buy nonperishable products in bulk to minimize packaging; buy perishable in smaller amounts if you find you regularly throw out spoiled food
- Switch to re-usable cloth/paper towels/napkins 
- Use re-usable utensils and straws
- Repurposed products/ up-cycling/re-use old to create new
Follow the 6R's of waste management -->
- Rethink
- Reuse
- Recycle 
- Repair
- Reduce
- Refuse unnecessary purchases

Water ATMs

Smart city Dahod aims to reduce waste as much as possible and take a step towards Zero Waste, Zero landfills. Thus, we urge you to use JEEVANDHARA Water ATMs, refill your reusable bottles and containers with water while discarding the single-use plastic bottles/waste.
The basic objective of the water ATM is to provide safe and clean drinking water to the public at a low cost.
The objective is to attain Zero Waste as we refill our reusable bottles and containers with water while discarding the single-use plastic bottles/waste
Labour day 2021 

Happy Labour Day !
This day celebrates laborers and encourages them to be aware of their rights. A tribute to the dedication, contributions and achievements of workers.
Let us pledge to help keep the earth clean and learn more about waste segregation at our level so that it gets easier and better for the workers to han

Gujarat divas 2021

On the occasion of Gujarat divas we pledge to fight COVID-19 and properly dump the hazardous substances produced by it, including masks, contaminated single use waste and PPE kits.

Baisakhi 2021

We wish you all a very happy Vaisakhi, the festival of crops and togetherness.
As the population is on increase, so does the consumption of products, leading to rise in trash and dump too! The amount is alarming and hazardous with almost no way to completely reduce it.
We strongly believe that we must re-use our recyclable resources rather than use and throw.
Alone we take a step and together we all get closer to achieving the goal of saving our planet.
Happy Earth day 2021

We all wish you a very happy earth day on 22nd april. Let us make a promise to keep our planet clean and reduce the waste produced.
Let us
- REuse
- REduce
- REcycle
A village, Kamikatsu in Japan, which is known as Zero waste Japan. Its citizens reuse, recycle and have been able to reduce the waste and it is said that it recycles almost 84% of its waste.
It shows that proper awareness, team work and efforts can do a lot. Imagine if everyone does it. It would make our Earth a clean and healthy planet.

World Malaria Day

On World Malaria Day let us reduce mosquito breeding in your home
- Don't let water go stagnant.
Mosquitoes need stagnant, still water to lay their eggs and for the young to successfully hatch and mature. During mosquito season, it's especially important to keep gutters clear, thoroughly empty kiddie pools and water buckets after use and keep bird baths filled with fresh water.
-Pick up your litter.
Throw away bottles, cups, cans and other detritus. Almost anything that holds water — even a small amount — can turn into a mosquito nursery.
-If you live near a small pond, a decorative pond, drainage canals or other areas likely to hold standing water, try spreading environmentally friendly botanical products around such as Bti (Bacillus thuringiensis), which can act as a larvicide, killing mosquitoes before they reach adulthood. Or stock ponds with Gambusia. They didn't get the nickname "mosquito fish" for nothing.
-Drain or remove old car tires from your property, and drill holes in the bottom of tire swings to allow for drainage. Tires are big-time mosquito havens. Rainwater, sprinklers, run-off — doesn't matter. Once water ends up in an old tire, it's hard to pour out.
-Declutter and get rid of junk.
-Mosquitoes love overgrown trees, brush, weeds and tall grass. Keeping lawns tidy helps keep mosquitoes out. If things start looking bare out there, consider putting in some mosquito-repelling herbs, flowers and plants, including peppermint, lavender, marigolds, chrysanthemums, citronella grass, lemon eucalyptus, pennyroyal and feverfew.
Just a few simple precautions can lower your risk of attracting mosquitoes to your property. Besides, it’s never too early to turn your outdoor areas into “no-whine zones” for spring and beyond.

FACT - India is the only high endemic country which has reported a decline of 17.6% in 2019 as compared to 2018. India has also contributed to the largest drop in cases region-wide, from approximately 20 million to about 6 million. The percentage drop in the malaria cases was 71.8% and deaths was 73.9% between 2000 to 2019.
Guidelines for waste collectors and recyclers during COVID-19 crisis

For waste collectors and recyclers, potential sources of exposure include having close contact with a coworker or member of the public with COVID-19, or by contacting surfaces touched or handled by a person with COVID-19. Follow these basic guidelines while handling waste -
- Wear your normal personal protective equipment (PPE) as you go about your day. This may include work gloves, eye protection (such as safety glasses), and a work uniform or coveralls.
- Avoid contact with body fluids, if possible. Use gloves if you have to touch surfaces contaminated by body fluids.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth. Be extra careful when putting on or taking off PPE.
- Replace work gloves when they become damaged (for example, if they are ripped or torn).
- Practice routine cleaning and disinfection of frequently touched surfaces, such as steering wheels, door handles, levers, and control panels.
- Limit close contact with others by maintaining a distance of at least 6 feet when possible.
- Notify your supervisor and stay home if having symptoms.
- Practice proper hand hygiene and cough and sneeze etiquette.

Waste segregation

Waste segregation is included in law because it is much easier to recycle.  Effective segregation of wastes means that less waste goes to landfill which makes it cheaper and better for people and the environment.  It is also important to segregate for public health.  In particular, hazardous wastes can cause long term health problems, so it is very important that they are disposed of correctly and safely and not mixed in with the normal waste coming out of your home or office. Waste management is a critical environmental issue in urban, industrial and rural areas. Harmful and life-threatening wastes contaminate our environment in different ways. It pollutes the air, soil and water while posing dangers to human life. Therefore, effective waste management is important for the planet.

Guidelines of disposing  hazardous waste - masks and gloves, PPE kit

Have you been in a confusion about where to dispose of the contaminated waste of a COVID patient quarantined at home?
The used masks and gloves from any household should be kept in a paper bag for a minimum 72 hours prior to disposal. They could be disposed off in the Yellow bins with CAUTION BIOHAZARD written on them at the disposal areas or with the workers who collect waste.
Any disposable material (masks, gloves, disposable linens, head caps, PPE kits, plates, cups etc.) used by patients should be considered as biomedical waste. Contaminated waste should be disposed of in yellow non chlorinated bags.
Crisps -
We buy packets of crisps without any thought of how they take more than 7-8 decades to decompose. It further turns into micro plastics and hazardous elements only to get in our food, air and soil.

Sanitary pads -
Almost all the sanitary pads use a non-biodegradable plastic which in return takes 500-800 years to decompose, leading to health and environmental hazards. A possible solution could be the use of reusable menstrual cups so that the tons of sanitary pad dump reduces and is removed sometime in near future.

Single-use utensils -
We use a huge amount of plastic single-use utensils at functions and parties. We don't think of any environmental friendly solutions, which might include re-usable and washable utensils and organic solutions for example edible spoons, spoons and cutlery made out of bamboo and wood (such as used in ice-cream shops).

Social media posts : @walk_of_h.o.p.e


Social media posts : @walk_of_h.o.p.e
