Caroline Bock 님의 프로필

The Benjamin Button Publication

The beauty of thinking like a child is that sometimes doing things
differently and simply and with a kind of joy and triviality leads you to a
really special place that as an adult you don’t get to go to very often.

- Steve Levitt
The Benjamin Button Publication is one that I created during my exchange semester at Elisava in Barcelona. I was introduced to Editorial Design and told to create a publication within the theme: desire. 

To narrow it down, I chose to work with the desire to think like a child. The Benjamin Button publication is a very literal representation where where the main character, Benjamin Button, is born old and grows younger over time.
The publication is glued on to a wooden dowel in the center and wrapped in a green cover for protection. A plastic band is wrapped around and clasped shut to maintain the structure of the roll.

The band is meant as a reference to the tag a baby gets on their leg/arm in the hospital. It is a subtle way to display the title on the outside of the material as well as an added element referring to the story.
The Benjamin Button Publication

The Benjamin Button Publication


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