Proiectul intitula(r)t 'PRIMA CASA' se vrea o declaratie de independenta intr-o societate de hiperconsumarism.

Materialele folosite la ridicarea acestei case sunt in proportie de 95% obiecte aruncate,'gunoaie'-asa cum ne place noua sa le catalogam si au fost reinvestite cu o noua viata: usile au devenit pereti,geamurile rame de tablouri, rotile de bicicleta au devenit biblioteca, cartile de joc au redevenit soldati la curtea reginei de Inima Rosie,cauciucurile au devenit scaune,covoarele-pereti (sau usi),spray-urile goale - sculpturi,creioanele si pachetele de tigari s-au unit pentru a devenii consumabile,dar mult mai putin nocive iar cartile s-au transformat chiar in carti!

Rezultatul final al acestei constructii poate fi un adapost temporar,un stand de prezentare,o sala de expozitii,o scena ,un spatiu liber - deschis multor variante in functie de imaginatia noastra!


Project title  'First House' is like a declaration of independence in a society hiperconsumarism.
The materials used in this house are raising 95% of discarded objects, 'trash'-as we like to catalog and were reinvested with new life: doors become walls, wood windows- picture frames, bicycle wheels become library old playing cards becomed again soldiers in the court of Queen of Hearts, tires became chairs, carpets, walls (or doors), empty sprays  - sculptures, pens and cigarette packets were united to become consumables but much less harmful and even books were turned into books!
The end result of this construction can be a temporary shelter, a presentation stand, an exhibition hall, a stage, an open space - opened to several options depending on our imagination!



. Project title 'First House' is like a declaration of independence in a society hiperconsumarism. The materials used in this house are raising 9 Read More
