Profil von Humberto Castillo

El Palacio de Hierro: 125 años de estilo

Illustration work request by The Welcome Branding Group to take part on the  
«El Palacio de Hierro: 125 años de estilo» book edited as a part of the 125th anniversary celebration of the first department store founded in Mexico.

The book narrates the history of El Palacio de Hierro since its founding in 1888 to the present day, so there was a lot of imagery involved, and fortunately for me there was a need to illustrate some specifics that could not be found in the photographic archive of the client to use. 
Small store in the market street, circa 1880.
Old timey dress.
They had color use restrictions due to the branding of the client, the only colors I could use to make these illustration were the Pantone Yellow123c and Black.
Style of the time they helped build through their french products import in those early years (1890's).
La Belle Epoque. Full page illustration intended to recieve some text over.
Belle Epoque Dame inspired by the style and a tribute to Charles Dana Gibson.
All the illustrations since the briefing had their own on-page size, naturally some of them were too small to bear great detail. In those cases the gestual strokes were more important to give the message, like the four images below.
Worker protests in the 1920's.
Shopping in the 1940s.
Construction site of yet another store, 1956.
Grand openning, 1957.
In this one the important thing was to show the fabulous NCR-315 computer, a bunch of boring metal boxes laying around in a room, so I decided to add a capturist using it, (1964).
A sexy one.
The Beauty Fest.
The 1980's at full throttle.
July 2013.
El Palacio de Hierro: 125 años de estilo

El Palacio de Hierro: 125 años de estilo

Illustrations for «El Palacio de Hierro: 125 años de estilo» book. Comissioned by The Welcome Branding Group.
