Perfil de Stefan Seifert

The Curadigm Web Designs.


When the Curadigm spin-off has to be integrated into its mother’s corporate design we were engaged to find the right compromise between the new design guides and our already established particular Curadigm style. Further we were asked to re-design the complete web presence.

What we had in mind was a design which reflects the adventurous spirit of these sophisticated nanomedicine technologies operating in the heart of the cells. We want to guide the user though this universe on nanoscale with a several level scrolling page displaying the stages of this revolutionary product’s mode of work.


The Curadigm imagery and colors combine scientific illustration needs with an invitation for the user to dive into these nanophysics worlds. A dark blue almost black background atmosphere gives contrast to the light blue corporate color. The depth of the webpage is obtained by various blurred background levels overlaying each other and moving separately.

We arranged the photographic composings based on components by German photographer Uwe Reicherter. He has been working for cinema and we love to see his scenic views as backgrounds.


To bring nearer to the user the mode of action of Curadigm’s groundbreaking Nanoprimer technology we created animated diagrams that work neatly both on desktop website and mobile applications. For this purpose a combination of Javascript and CSS takes over the various situations regulating delays and animation start points. Tooltips on all elements help a deeper understanding.

The Curadigm news blog combines the latest key visuals with the corporate press releases. It is search engine optimized (SEO) and offers the reader also pdf download versions through an automatised process. The online design of the articles is generously full width and combines branded imagery with soberly presented scientific facts.
The Curadigm Web Designs.

The Curadigm Web Designs.

When the Curadigm spin-off has to be integrated into its mother’s corporate design we were engaged to find the right compromise between the new d Leer más
