The case was to design a logo that stands out. 
My customer (as always) didn't know what to ask but he surely wanted something veeery good. 
I thought of a logo that shows leaves and branches reminding the tobacco. The colors of course had to be brown and green. Golden touch was added to give the premium quality of the product. 

At first i designed it in a box shape, but when i put it in a circle, everything went perfect.
After the successful design of logo i had to design a catalog that would increase the product value and also give to the customer the need to eat the product and not just smoke it in a hookah.
So i made a 3d bowl with each flavor...
30 bowls were designed based on their specific flavor details and added in this great catalog.
This catalog captured the customers attention from the first time, through social media and saved money from not printing it & distributing.

Here is the business cards design...
Below there are demos of tin cans that can be used for secure package of hookah tobacco.
hookah brand design


hookah brand design
