Brígida Guerreiro 님의 프로필KOBU Agency 님의 프로필

36 Days of Type by KOBU Foundry (2021)

We gladly made part of 2021's edition of 36 Days of Type, a global yearly call that invites and challenges designers, illustrators and graphic artists to express their particular perspectives on the many letters and numbers of the Latin alphabet.

This is a project that aims to be an open space for creation around typography and its endless graphic possibilities, which we took as an opportunity to express the "behind the scenes" type of process that shapes our typefaces, by depicting the organicity of typographic drawings that allows the space for an easier perception of the typographic creative process.

All the letters and numerals we featured in this year's edition belong to the total of eight typefaces we have available on our website. Feel yourself invited to get a closer look on them at

Type Design: Brígida Guerreiro / KOBU Foundry
Copywriting: André Gonçalves / KOBU™​​​​​​​ Agency

A of Adventure. What better word to describe our first time venturing on the #36daysoftype challenge? So, let it begin and here's hoping we make it to the end in one piece! 🔥
B of Breakthrough. This letter B is from Kawaru™, our first take on the potential of variable fonts. So, let's break on through, shall we? 🚪✨

C of Circus. This letter belongs to Sakasu®, a font we developed based on the circus imagery to tell the story of Meji, a rabbit who managed to escape the trickeries of an evil magician and embark on a journey through space to find his way home 🐇💫
Might as well stand for Chocolate 🍫
D of Disruption. 👀 This D belongs to Kotei™ Condensed, a typeface that can also be purchased as a variable font. If years ago, fonts were communication systems somewhat static and rigid, these more flexible ones have graced them with the ability to stretch and shrink all around. It's like yoga for letters. 🧘

E of Elegance. Perhaps the word that best suits the sumptuous lines of Okaasan®, a typeface we developed that invokes the fertility of Venus of Willendorf and its mystical all-seeing eye. 👁 May it bring you nothing but abundance 🌈
F of Frame (of mind). The letter you see is part of KOBU™ Text, a custom typeface crafted by @anotherbrigida to enhance @kobuagency's communication with a sense of vitality and uniqueness 👁

G of Gravity. Kaito® is a tribute to the elliptical movement of comets towards the sun's gravitational field. This typeface manifests a great sense of movement and revealed itself to be quite handy on Meji's space odyssey! ☄️🐇 Observation: So groovy it might cause a little wooziness. 🤢 Proceed and engage with a tight seatbelt.
H of Hallelujah! 🙌🏼 Sakasu® is the font that marks the beginning of Meji Adventures' first chapter and the onset of an even larger endeavour to create tales that spur the imagination with storytelling typefaces. Welcome aboard! 💫

I of Ignition. Taiyo™ is the deserved homage to the radiant vital energy of the sun that also marks a fateful crossing point on Meji's homecoming journey. ☀️ Due to extreme levels of shining awesomeness, sunglasses are adviced in case of prolonged contemplation! 😎
J of Jubilance 🌙 Tsuku® marks the landing of Meji on the moon, but also his unexpected yet quite fortunate encounter with Gâido, a friendly dog who kept him company and whose guidance Meji took wholeheartedly in order to reach his planet once and for all 💫Welcome to The Dog Side of the Moon 🐾

K of Karma. Could comets ☄️ be a cosmic metaphor for the universe to express that what goes around comes back around? 💫
L of Limitless. A word that pretty much sums up the potential of variable fonts, which we loved to explore when developing Kawaru™. Are you in for the revolution? 👁

M of Magazine. Kotei™ will do wonders for your magazines, books and newspapers' short-length titles, giving them a nice touch of pungency and charisma. 🤠
N of Nature. Once upon a time, in a very distant kingdom, there was a magnanimous king called King Sans Serif. He ruled with a modern and minimalist attitude and he had many children, each born with its own style. One of them goes by the name of Akuto®, the self-determined digital display typeface, who embraced his own nature and followed its own path. 👀

O of Origin. Taiyo™ is an ode to the source of life that emanates from the flares of the Sun 🌞 Have a nice bit of sunshine! 😎
P of Playground. Crafting typefaces requires a great deal of experimentation but allowing ourselves to have fun in the process is just as fundamental. So, let's play? 😍

Q of Quest. To create tales that spur the imagination with typefaces that tell stories - that's our pursuit! 🤟 Enjoy this glimpse on Sakasu®, one of the first typefaces we developed and a major keystone on Meji Adventures 🐇✨
R of Rabbit. What else? 🐇 Meji is a fearless rabbit who escaped the tyranny of an evil magician to cruise space on a wild attempt to get home. Rabbits don't get any more badass than that, do they? 😎

S of Stretch. Variable fonts are all about elasticity and versatility, capable of adding significant fluidity and striking visual impact to your projects 💥 Have you been introduced to our lovely Kawaru yet?
T of (short-length ) Titles. Kotei (Japanese word for "affirmation") is a display sans serif typeface perfect for short-length titles as in magazines, books or newspapers. Being a condensed font, its striking appearance does not go by unnoticed as it communicates with pungency and a great deal of character! 🔥

U of Urge. Akuto® was brought to life as a part of our desire to create and come up with new ways to approach typography 💯 How do you feel about it? 🤓
V of Vitality. No matter what happens, the sun will always rise in the morning, as certainly as Taiyo™ will find a way to shine thorugh our feed from time to time 🌞 Have you met our sun-evoking typeface yet? 👁

W of Wonderment. Born from the circus imaginary, Sakasu® is a digital typographic font designed to provoke a sense of delight for detail and delicacy. Are you curious to unravel the magic behind it? 👀
X of Xtraordinary? 😅🤔 Akuto® is a one-of-a-kind charismatic typeface that reveals a fair balance between its humanist and its geometric sides. Conceived with a specific purpose, it is a digital typeface that demands to be seen, instead of read. Happy contemplations, folks! ❤️

Y of Yearning. In a wild attempt to get home, homesick Meji rides a quite unexpectedly approaching comet in order to fulfill his homecoming destiny. 🐇 Will he ride it to the end? 💫

Z of Zenith ⭐ We reach the end of the alphabet with a word that encapsulates perhaps Mankind's greatest achievement: language. ✨ It is through language that we build community and exercise the divinity of consciousness to make sense of the surrounding world. The more we master it, the freer we become.
Thank you for joining us in celebrating language through type design and stay tuned for the final stretch of #36daysoftype 🍿

We begin the final countdown of this year's #36daysoftype in upward fashion! ⬆️ The 0 belongs to glitchy Kawaru™, a variable font you'll have tons of fun playing around with! 👾
1 from Okaasan®, a text font inspired by the Age of Enlightenment 💡

2 is two times the number of opportunities you'll have to see comet Halley in your lifetime, a major source of inspiration for Kaito® ☄️

On a 0 to 3 scale, how much are you grooving to this fiery numeral from the Taiyo™ catalog? 🔥

Do you know how many U.S. presidents have been killed in office? 🤓
2 legs + 2 arms + 1 head containing a sentient brain capable of giving life to wondrous typefaces = 5 😎

Did you know that, in number theory, 6 is the smallest perfect number?
Google it if intrigued. 🧐
Kaito's lucky number 7️⃣ 🤩

This perfectly rounded number is exactly the amount of typefaces you can find at, tap the link in bio if you wanna give it a look 👀
Meanwhile, 35 posts are down. ➡️ 1 to go!
Aaaaand... It's a wrap! 😎 Another great edition of #36daysoftype comes to an end, of which it was a pleasure to be a part of once again. Thank you @36daysoftype and all who reached out to us through this quite exciting challenge. Now let's enjoy a little break from the daily post frenzy and see you in 2022. 😍

36 Days of Type by KOBU Foundry (2021)

36 Days of Type by KOBU Foundry (2021)

We gladly made part of 2021's edition of 36 Days of Type, a global yearly call that invites and challenges designers, illustrators and graphic ar 자세히 보기
