Profilo di Rongie Wesley-Gordon

Exploratory Essay Annoated Bibliography

These comments Ms. Cates left help me get off to my research because when she said "how has covid taken away the freedom from want? The freedom from fear?" and that's when everything clicked and I found what I wanted to do my resaerch on.  This is the journal I did that gave her these ideas that help me when choosing what I wanted to research. 
Rongie Gordon


   What’s relevant to 2021 is “Freedom of Speech”. I say that because for today’s generation getting our voice heard is a big part of the nation's change. Freedom of Speech has gotten our country to come together to say black lives matter. It also has brought a bigger picture to people's eyes that our country's government needs to be strong and if the wrong person is in the position of power it can turn a lot of people's world upside down. From what I have seen everyone needs to use their freedom of speech because once you speak up you can get out what you need. What I have seen and experienced in the country has done that. They have done that by powerful people saying we need to vote and I mean everybody needs to, and the election everyone did.
    The Four Freedoms are relevant today because of the people. I say that because we are the ones that use this every day. The Freedom from Fear is a big one because today’s virus “COVID” has scared a lot of people. It has also made a lot of people lose opportunities in life and that creates a lot of fear because some people don’t know how they are going to make money. Another thing is it makes people fear for their life, it makes them feel like they are going to die or give it to a loved one and they could die. So to me it has put our whole world at a frenzy. Now people are using their freedom of worship at a high state because they believe the only person that can help them is god.

What some people don’t understand is that a lot of people have a want but don’t have the freedom to do it because of the pandemic. There are a lot of people suffering in need of food, money, jobs and they can’t get it so the freedom from want is big today because a lot of people are wanting and not getting.
The 60 word essay  was to show how my subject for the exploratory was important and it also led to what I wanted my reasrch to be about.  
THis is my final draft of my exploratory essay and what you see highlighted with a green box is what my leading subject was going to be for my research. You also can see the comments Ms. Cates left and I was covering to many issues, but for my research it was needed and I used them for my research. 
This is my annotated bibliography and how it was used in my research. These cites were what I used doing my research to get different information from different sources and different views. 
Exploratory Essay Annoated Bibliography

Exploratory Essay Annoated Bibliography

How it benefitted my Research
