Mariela Gimenez さんのプロファイル

Photographic Report “La Carlota”

La Carlota is a restaurant located in the heart of Madrid, Spain. The ideology behind the creative decoration and diverse menu is based on a tribute to women. The freshness, sweetness, strength and captivating smile are present in the menu, through unique recipes and mesmerizing quality. Each of the gastronomic proposals are inspired by the ideal woman across cultures. Moreover, the decoration of the restaurant is orchestrated in a way that women are the center of attention. La Carlota is the result of a relationship between art, design and quality that exemplify the sensibility, elegance, brazenness and Picardy that women have. Throughout the restaurant, there is a combination of lights in terms of color and brightness. In the main salon, there is a big lamp that brightly lights the room with a white color, exemplifying a refreshing and clean look. Moreover, there is use of red and blue lights in the bar area and around the doors. The mixture of two primary colors gives a resonant and cool ambiance. 
The red light is dim in order to avoid an overstimulation. The intention is to provide a sense of passion like that offered by women. Moreover, the use of red in the bar area symbolizes high class and elegance demonstrated through the gastronomic offer. Red is known to stimulate and increase the appetite of clients, it is a strategy used by restaurants to increase their spending. On the other hand, blue is used to create a cool atmosphere. The combination of these colors yields an ambiance of coziness, compared to that offered by a mother and many caring women. 
Photographic Report “La Carlota”
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Photographic Report “La Carlota”

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