01 March 2019
Taupo, North Island, New Zealand
In the summer of 2019, I was back home with my family in QLD, Australia. And I had a choice to make. Move back the UK in the next week before my tourist visa expired, or, embrace something totally new, and utilise the NZ work visa I had been granted a year earlier. You can guess which one I went for...
I actually spent most of my time in NZ living and working around the city of Auckland, however during my first week, a family member was flying in from Sydney to take part in an Ironman competition down in Taupo, and invited me along for the ride.
Taupo is a small town, with a big lake. And a skyline to die for. I spent my time here chasing sunsets and waterfalls, and bathing in hot springs in-between. Not a bad way to spend life...(I was also fairly hungover for at least one of my days here after bumping into a friend from my hostel back in Auckland and discovering the bars...) 
I''d been told that the volcanos you see across the water are actually those featured in the LOTR trilogy, but this is yet to be proven true.
Hope you enjoyed this little moment in time from my travels. 

If you'd like to see more of my work, please visit me here
Taupo, North Island, New Zealand

Taupo, North Island, New Zealand



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