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Woven Identity Mask Competition

Hospitals all over the world have put extreme protocols in place to protect its staff and patients including: mandatory masks, limiting visitors and visiting hours to not allowing visitors at all. While these may be necessary, these protocols have played an impact on the the children who are in long-term care. While it is already difficult enough to battle the condition causing their hospital stay, children are now forced to endure long-term isolation from loved ones due to visiting restrictions. Many are unable to go outside or even leave their rooms resulting in some feeling loneliness and/ or a loss of purpose and identity. 

The art of weaving is a profound metaphor for understanding the workings of the universe and our place in it. The physical process of weaving, permits an understanding of this world and how we as human beings are woven into it.

The weave pattern serves as a reminder that though the child who receives this mask may be in prolonged isolation, they have a place in this world and are not forgotten. The earth tones, flowers and the raw state of the weave(plant fibers) together make reference to the world outside that exists beyond the walls they are surrounded by. As the child is unable to choose their own outfit and is required to wear a face mask, I made flower and letter magnets so they could customize it. Whether they decide to rock their favorite color or choose to sport their initials, it serves to give them a sense of uniqueness and identity.

• Mask is made with a light weight quilters cotton.
• There is a filter pocket with a PM2.5 filter that can be replaced.
• The nose is lined with a 20 gauge wire to allow for adjustment.
• The 3D face mask bracket holds the mask off the mouth to create more breathing space
and comfortability.
• The weave can be easily removed and replaced on to the mask to allow for washing.
• The magnetic Flower and Letters can be interchanged

Woven Identity Mask Competition


Woven Identity Mask Competition
