GRL JAM is a roller derby and concert collaboration event between Girls Rock Philly and Philly Roller Derby. Admission to the event covers the viewing of a roller derby match between the Passyunk Punks and the CheeseSkates along with performances from bands KississippiMoon Frogs, and La Belle Vie. All proceeds from the event benefit Girls Rock Philly.

In the Spring semester of 2021, I had the opportunity to take a class called Design for the Public Good lead by Professor Kelly Holohan. We were tasked to pick an organization with a mission that aligned with an issue we felt passionate about. After choosing an org, we had to fully realize and design a fundraising event to benefit them. Here are the results!

To see a more in-depth explanation about my process and content, feel free to check out my case study here.
Initial Planning & Process
Girls Rock Philly Current Branding Mood Board
GRL JAM Mood Board
Initial Planning & Name Brainstorming
User Personas
Brand Content
Responsive Logos & Iterations
Style Tile
Website Screen Stills
Video Walkthrough is embedded above but if you're interested in clicking through the site on your own, it's linked here.
Instagram Screen Stills
Additional Instagram Screen Stills
Under 18 & Adult Passes
Artist & Player Backstage Passes
Tote Bags
Die-Cut Stickers
Pins & Guitar Picks
CD Mixtape