205TF ®'s profile


From Dumbar website : 
"An award-winning institute of vocational higher education with locations across the Netherlands, Avans+ runs a variety of post-bachelor and masters programs. Working with our colleagues at DEPT, Avans+ had improved its digital marketing performance. Responding to a competitive marketplace, Avans+ identified the need to sharpen their positioning and update their brand – enter Studio Dumbar.

Following a strategic workshop with key personnel and stakeholders, we devised an approach that would retain hard-earned equity whilst preparing for future challenges. Our strategic target was to elevate: to ensure Avans+ is recognised as an institution that tailors its programs to the individual needs of students – an institution that helps each student grow in knowledge and skills. Our new positioning is defined by the phrase: we personally ensure growth. The leading principle of our strategy – reach more – supports the aspirations of students as well as reaffirming the school’s pre-eminent status.
Confident and direct, the visual identity is led by the clear and powerful use of language: key words communicate strong messages in an assured, no-nonsense manner. It is a simple identity, with a relatively small number of elements ensuring familiarity, but also flexibility: bold typography, a selection of recognisable ’forms’ and a conservative but contemporary colour palette.
The new identity has made Avans+ more visible, improving clarity of communication and aligning all touchpoints across the brand – on campus, online, and in print."

Typeface: Plaax by Damien Gautier.

