Sharing Content
Company: Wetu
Role: UI and UX
Year: 2019
Wetu is a SaaS platform where suppliers like hotels and restaurants can upload their content which can then be used by travel agents to create itineraries.

Suppliers load their content, images, videos and documents onto Wetu, which is collated into an online Brochure which can be shared, but they cannot choose which information is sent. The receiver can then download the images and documents but not the text information.

We found that suppliers were also using other platforms like Dropbox and WeTransfer to share information.
Stakeholder Requirements
Help us get Supplier information into the Wetu system and ensure that they keep it up to date. Advertising revenue.
To create a better file sharing tool so that Suppliers do not need to use multiple platforms to share their content. They will only use Wetu which become their one source of data and save them time in the long run.

Allow Suppliers to choose which images, videos and documents to share and also allow the text information to be downloadable.
Competitor Research
I researched other file and image sharing platforms such as Dropbox, WeTransfer, Shutterstock and iStock.
Client Interviews
The initial idea was to create a separate website that Suppliers would access and store their information. Upon speaking to clients, my product manager found that they have many platforms that they access daily and this would be more of a burden for them. 

We then decided to start small and keep everything in the current Wetu system. 
Process Flow
I created a process flow for developers.

Supplier will choose the listing they want to share and click on the share icon, which opens a modal. The modal allows the Supplier to email one or multiple receivers and choose what information to send them.

Initially we were going to allow users to save the recipient's email to a list of contact's but after speaking to developers this was pushed out to the second phase.
All images are automatically added, but the sender can click on "View Images" to deselect images. So as not to overwhelm the sender, the images are split into the categories.
Currently all documents loaded onto the system are visible and automatically pull through to the virtual brochure. To allow users to send documents intended to be viewed by only people of their choosing, functionality was added to set documents as "Private". The modal would show only the documents the user has set as “Private” and the Supplier can select which documents to share.

Once the sender has added documents and images a feedback message is shown telling them how many images/documents they have selected.
To give the Supplier peace of mind a reports section was added which showed when the email was sent, to whom it was sent, and how many times the receiver downloaded information.
The receiver will be sent an email with a view files button. This button will open a new tab with a welcome modal. Due to copyright restrictions the receiver is required to accept our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use before downloading.
The receiver is then able to download. They can select documents, images and/or information. 

After discussions with the developer we decided not to show all the information up front. If images are selected then the receiver can choose the image quality and file size. If information is selected, then the receiver can choose which language the information should be in.

This was done so as not to overwhelm the recipient with too much information upfront.
UserPilot was used to create a step by step onboarding flow to show users how to go about sending their content.
Wetu Share

Wetu Share


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