Drip Campaign/Emailers
The task given is to create a drip campaign emails for Axe on the Head Podcast. Axe on the Head is an audio Podcast that speaks about B-Movie reviews, celebrity talks , sub cult talks and more topics.
Readymag.com Project link : https://readymag.com/u2737799459/2743937/ 

The task is done in a CMS(content management system) platform using "https://readymag.com" The emails include
1. Welcome emails
2. Recommendation emails
3. Unsubscribe emails
Drip campaign or Drip marketing is email marketing strategy to improve your subscription list. Multiple messages are sent to the subscribers at specific date and time or may be depending on their action after the subscriber is signed up to your site.
After preparing emails layouts in readymag.com then we made mockups of these emails in photoshop. These mockups include both web format and mobile versions
1. Welcome Emails: This mail will be sent to the subscriber once they sign up with our site for welcoming them. This email is composed of a welcome note and some special features of our sites which will attract the user to visit our site.
2. Recommendation emails : after welcoming a user to our platform we need to keep them updated about our work i.e., in this case latest episode of podcast. we will have to send the user episode recommendation depending upon their interest.
3. Unsubscribe emails: This mail will be sent to user when they click on unsubscribe button from our platform i.e., if they don't want to receive further notification or recommendation emails from us
From this project we came to know about how drip campaign or drip marketing is done. The process of drip campaign, how to understand about the product, how effectively can it be made. Even we came to know how to create these emailers in CMS(Content Management System) platforms also came to know about email services like Substack.
Drip Campaign or Emailers
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Drip Campaign or Emailers

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