Profil von Adele Afdal

Kooyanisquatsi // visual identity

This is a project of a fictional non-profit organization that works to raise awareness about the coral reefs dying and its impact on the ecosystem and environment, both in the sea and on land.

The name, Koyaanisqatsi, is from the Native American Hopi tribe, meaning "life out of balance". Inspired from the 1982 movie with the same name, an experimental film on the balance between urban life and nature.
One of the clearest signs of the ocean being in need is the process of coral bleaching. This is caused by the rise of ocean temperatures for a period of time that makes the polyps loose their color and turn white. They are still not dead at this point, but they are rarely able to recover, as the ocean temperatures are not improving. This results in a dead coral reef, and the destruction of a whole ecosystem. Over 7000 species of fish and other creatures loose their home and source of food, which can lead to the extinction of several species.

Photos are from the UN Environmental Programme, The Ocean Agency and Pantones Glowing Glowing Gone campaign. 

When there is a coral bleaching event whole areas of coral reef looses all of its color. But in some special cases there can be seen a clear fluorescent glow in between the bleakness. This is called coral glowing and can be seen as the corals last scream for help. In reality it's the coral making its own form of chemical "sunscreen" to protect itself from the warmth of the ocean that are killing the polyps in the coral. 

I have used these glowing colors in my campaign to try and communicate the urgency of the matter with natures own method. 51% of the worlds coral reefs are already lost and we need to act now if we want to stand a chance of saving the reefs and the ecosystems that follow.

Kooyanisquatsi // visual identity

Kooyanisquatsi // visual identity

Visual identity of a non-profit organization working to preserve the coral reefs.

