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Eye Exercises Examination

Eye Exercises Examination

This is a speculative and editorial design that relates to Chinese eye exercises and exam-oriented education. 
What if when the form of the examination itself far outweighs the purpose or becomes contradictory? What if even the eye exercises that were originally invented to relieve eye strain have to be tested. Based on the above extreme speculations, I designed an eye exercise examination to provoke discussion about the present-day education system in China. 
*Chinese Eye Exercises are a kind of massage around periocular acupoints invented by a PE teacher based on traditional Chinese medicine theories. They have been implemented in China as an intervention for protecting vision and preventing myopia of children since 1963. Students in primary and middle schools have been required to perform eye exercises once or twice a day.

As an examination, I designed an exam paper and a model answer book that were inspired by the set of real Chinese examinations that the exam paper always comes with a model answer book. I made up some questions around the Chinese eye exercises that look normal but are actually meaningless and even ridiculous for students. 
Also, I drew some illustrations to show each step of the eye exercises. The green scarf is a symbol of promising students in a primary school in China, and green is also the color that relates to the eyesight. Moreover, I drew some grimaces to give the project to have some irony in it.
The model answer book gives the answers to the exam questions, and It includes four chapters that correspond to the four sections of the exam paper.
Eye Exercises Examination


Eye Exercises Examination
