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Illustration Proposals

Illustration Proposals

Entries for the contests announced by the Cultural Association Tapirulan 
(between 2018 and 2020).
Variazioni, 2020, digital, 31 x 31 cm.
Entry for the illustration contest Utopia of Tapirulan, Variazioni.
Irreversibile, 2018, mixed media, 31 x 31 cm.
Entry for the illustration contest Caos of Tapirulan, Irreversibile.
Hereunder, you may find links to Superstizioni, my entry for the 2019 contest of Tapirulan, Super:
on my Instagram
and on my Tumblr
Illustration Proposals

Illustration Proposals

Entries for the contests announced by the Cultural Association Tapirulan  (between 2018 and 2020).
