MODULE 3: 1+1=3
-In the beginning of our process we brainstromed about the products that we use in our everyday lives and wrote them on the white board.
-We catagorized the products we came up into 3 groups:technology, personal hygene, and necessities.
We came up with our first idea of combining an alarm clock and bed, items that we use everyday into an alarm clock bed that vibrates to wake you up. We realized that a product of this sort was already created, so we moved to our second idea.
From the alarm clock bed we moved forward with an idea to conserve wasted heat from your car engine. In our research we found that 65% of heat from cars is wasted. Our idea was that we would have a vent through a drop down door in the celing of the garage. That vent would lead to some area in the house, that would help heat a room or two in the house, helping to save on energy used to heat a house and conserving the cars wasted heat. This idea was not easily prototyped so we moved on to the next idea.
We came up with many ideas including a fork and tooth brush combination, heated jacket, and charging backpack.  We eventually went with a wireless charging table.  We then prototyped this idea.
Sierra and Danielle went to Home Depot to get a sample and futher information on the recycled plastic-wood used for the charging tables. We researched the technology and the materials necassary for the table.
Our prototypes included a kitchen countertop and a table.  The blue area shows the charching area of the two.
This idea of charging surface could be used in almost any enviroment. The kitchen is a place that this technology could be well applied now and in the future. Have you ever had problems with all those cords on your countertops? Or maybe you are working hard on a recipe and your tablet dies on you? These problems would all be solved if your surface was always charging your devices. Then in the future the technology could be further improved by powering all of your appliance therefore eliminating the need of cords and outlets in many areas of the house. 
Mindmap of our PROCESS.
POV: The adventerous outdoorsman needs a way to keep his techonolgy charged for multiple days in order to utilize the devices for safety purposes.
(We decided to not go with the solar powered charging backpack because there were too many similar bags availible to buy today.)
FINAL POV: The concerned gaurdian needs a way to monitor the location of children in order to keep them safe.
 -- according to abc news, roughly 800,000 children are reported missing each year in the United States, that means about 2,000 kids per day. 
Empathy: For this project we focused on kids.  At one time we were all kids,  Ryan's sister has two kids, and Christina nanny's.  Our product focuses on the childs freedom.  It is important for a parent to know where there child is when they are outside playing, it is something they need to know all the time.  This product gives kids freedom in the fact that they don't have to be in the yard or within eyesight, it allows kids to explore and go more places will still being safe.
1) allows kids to have freedom while being supervised .
2) allows a busy parent to multitask with out the fear of their child going missing. 
3) DOES NOT replace parenting. It simply takes place of the uncertainty of where your child is,especially if you are a busy parent or parent with mulitple children. 
Our first prototype was a wristband that would go on the child.  But we decided that the kids would be able to take it off too easily and mess with it.
For older kids, our prototype is a sensor that goes on the childs shoe.  This is designed for kids at school, recess, or on field trips.  That way if a child goes beyond the boundries of the school or seperates from the group, the teacher is notified.  Our idea is to have this strap kid friendly so the kids will want to keep it on.
This product manufactured by Nike is a small chip that attatches to a shoelace that we would use to track the distance of the kids wearing them, making it easier for the busy mom, or caretaker of the child to keep track of them while not being over bearing and having to worry while their kids play outside.
Link to the POP app for our product!/users/5277079962bf22424d000204/projects/5278096625fd09a649000866
Module 4-iBeacon
This is the link to our module 4 coninuation of this project. I had already started it before you said to add them together and had no way of combining the two.
Module 3

Module 3



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