Maged Mostafa 님의 프로필

Key Elements of a Solid Business Plan

No matter what type of business you plan on starting, you need to make a plan to determine what makes your business unique. Business plans are typically asked to be presented in front of investors since they want to know as much as possible before putting up the money. For new entrepreneurs, business plans can help guide you while structuring your goals and understanding finances. Let’s take a look at key elements of a solid business plan.

Executive summary
Your executive summary should be the first thing someone reads when presented with your business plan. This summary needs to include everything you want your business to accomplish and what else you plan to touch base on throughout the project. The strongest summaries include the business’s mission and why you are interested in the business industry.

Business description
This is where vital information about your business, target audience and goals will be placed. Now is the time to dive into what makes your business different from your soon-to-be competitors. Point out what strengths you can bring to the table and how you will deal with bumps along the way.


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Key Elements of a Solid Business Plan

Key Elements of a Solid Business Plan


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