Co-creation for a Career Coach's branding
Here lies the story of the coming together of two continents, about a coach/ social psychologist, Marthe Rocheteau and an interior and furniture designer, Flore Lenoir who imagined a graphic identity together. This surprising exchange generated a great deal, both during the creation process as well as the final result.
Our Co-creation experience...

Drawing on key words and concepts, Marthe creates the landscape of her singular and  professional vision.
This gave rise to her mission statement and the name of her business : TRANSITIO.

Transitio = the internal dance that is sparked by change

To connect to one another as well as to the words and concepts to let the creative juices flow. Emergence brings together introspection and reflection with empathy and curiosity.
Once Marthe had managed to establish the direction of her business, Flore suggested that she create a mind map in order to reveal the graphic universe in which this business existed. 
Typically during this stage, the two should open up to each other and explore all possibilities to increase the brand univers.
They worked within a judgement-free space apt to letting go, to giving feedback, to letting intuition and attentiveness take over, all the while trusting the process.


“Born together and born with” : this embodies the process of decomposition of the raw material and the recomposition of a new reality, fed by the exchanges between Flore and Marthe. 
Their sharing of knowledge and life experiences created a clearer sense of direction and a shared history. 

“Creating is to choose”. It means denouncing what is not relevant to the here and now. It means choosing the impact we wish to have on others and whittling away at the raw material. 
This stage demands a discerning eye, intuition and rigor in order to put the meaning across as coherently as possible.
If you want to see more of the result of our co-creation process, please visit Marthe's website:



