Lauren Wenstad's profile

Pronto: Medical App Design

Pronto: Medical App Design

This project originated from a 24-hour hackathon– Cal Poly's Camp Polyhacks. In this hackathon, I worked with three other individuals to conceptualize and fully prototype a healthcare app in a 24-hour period. The app that we came up with is Pronto– a healthcare app that syncs patients calendars and doctors calendars (via Google Calendar) to allow patients to quickly book appointments. Our app's goal is to reduce the extend wait time that it normally takes patients to schedule an appointment. 
The features of our app include:
- Being able to schedule appointments flawlessly
- Choose doctors based on location – doctors that are close to you are recommended
- Ability to scan medical documents (medical card, allergies, medication, etc) and store this information
- Create a family account that allows parent figures to store medical documents and schedule appointments for other family members
The Process: 

The Research: 
Before creating our app, we needed to make sure that there was a need for this product in the market. Our first instinct was to send out a survey to various different people, of all ages and demographics. Within the 24-hour hackathon, we were able to receive an impressive 120 responses! From this survey we found out that people tend to have an extended wait time before being able to see a doctor – and this is something that they were unsatisfied with. We also found out that 72% of our survey population would be interested in a medical app that would store information and simplify the appointment process. 

The Brand: 
When coming up with the logo, we wanted to create a clean, easy to recognize logo that could be used as an app interface and logo. When it came to colors, we conduced research and found out that the most common color used in the healthcare industry is blue – representing trustworthiness and security. From that point forward, we used a shade of blue and created different variations of a logo until we came up with a concrete idea.  
Early Ideas: 
In the very beginning stages of creating our app, we started creating a wire-frame on a huge whiteboard. This was a very collaborative process where we took into consideration everyones input and ideas. We laid out the basic though process for the app and moved forward from there. 
Working Prototype: 
Using the program, Figma, our group was able to collaboratively design every page on the app. Connections were made from buttons to pages, and when in preview mode this app was a fully clickable product! I felt that in this situation, using Figma to create the app was a great choice – as it saved time since all four of us were able to work on the app design at once. 
Pronto: Medical App Design