hundert deutsche mark
170 × 250 mm  l  94 pages  l  ringbinding

More than 30 years after the fall of the Wall, the history of German-German division seems to have been forgotten. But it can be illustrated vividly by a simple component of the reunification – the welcome money. After the division of Germany, only a few citizens of the GDR were allowed to travel to the West. The few persons who were allowed to travel could not prepare themselves for the trip financially, because the GDR mark was an internal currency and thus not valid in the FRG. In order to improve the conditions of entry for visitors from the GDR, travellers received the so-called »Begrüßungsgeld« (welcome money). The book hundert deutsche mark (hundred german mark) serves the purpose of historical clarification with regard to a German-German culture of remembrance. The reduced and clear design of the book in typography, layout and materiality is based on the formal design of the GDR​​​​​​​. hundert deutsche mark is a collection of memories, photographs and graphic material that illustrates aspects of the history of the reunification period, with regard to the welcome money.
hundert deutsche mark
by Maria Knaub | FOLLOW ME

a special thank you to Ben de Biel, Maria Notbohm, Klaus Haag, Marcus Schlaaf, Harald Hauswald, Rolf Zöllner and the exhibition 
hundert deutsche mark
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hundert deutsche mark

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