Tea Infuser
1 Week, September 2020
The Marianne Brandt Tea Infuser was designed as a part of the Bauhaus movement 1919-1933. Tea is still a big part of our routine, but in 2020, one does not have the time to sit and make tea. Simultaneously, we want our tea to be perfect. The original design was translated the tea infuser into a bottle, to quench our thirst for tea on the go, to fit our current lifestyle.
Lose leaves are stored at the top, and a decoction is brewed when hot water is pour in. Once brewed, the user can rotate the disk under it to control and add the desired amount of the concentrate to get the perfect tea.
Team: Abhiraami Rakshana, Kavin Ghatak, Ishika Prasad, Anoushka Chand

Analysis of the Product
Marker Render
Tea Infuser


Tea Infuser
