Project "... the Hands"

Hands can express many things, it can speak silent language,

it can bring feelings that million words will never do.

This project is exploration between mixed feeling that one phrase can describe.

pick ... one 

- Hands that giv-

First take

Hands, like candles, can give you warmth, at the same time melts like snow.

Second take

Sometimes by giving, we, do not understand what consequences it can bring.

-Hands that take-

First take

Some disasters look pretty ordinary, when many lives are taken...

Second take

...while sometimes, taking something small means his whole world. 

​​​​​​​-Hands that hold-

First take

However, we are tired or broken, we have to hold and support our children, because they bring back flowers to us.

Second take

Reaching the light can bring great sacrificed.

- Clay renders -



