萬華世界 特集 WAN der LAND


萬華世界 特集 WAN der LAND

⎛⎛ 一本萬華的實用手冊,進入萬般華美的世界 ⎠⎠

這是一本關於《萬華世界 WAN der LAND》展覽的特別編集,藉由文字與影像,傳達食物創作背後的脈絡,以及展場上難以完整表達的考察內容。同時也是一本萬華的實用手冊,透過關鍵字與在地住民的分享,找到理解和深入探索萬華的索引。設計概念關鍵字:宗教信仰、生死觀、土性、風雅、壓縮的時空,在接收到大量的內容資訊與素材後,我們對於萬華有著這樣的理解:「萬華就如宇宙(社會)中獨立運行的地區,有著自己的引力」,因此我們試圖在二維的紙本上建立出時間感與空間感。並在全書內頁使用不同顏色分出六大區域,以象徵萬華古今文化的金色油墨貫穿整本書籍,使得每個章節保持獨特個性,同時確保整體的規律。

This is a special publication of the exhibition WAN der LAND and a practical handbook of the Wan Hua district. Readers may find the clues to understand and explore Wan Hua in depth through keywords and the sharing of residents. With the concept “Wan Hua is like an independent region in the universe, with its own gravity,” the design of this publication attempts to create a sense of time and space in the two-dimensional book. The twisted characters of Wan Hua on the cover serve as a ritual for readers to get into the context of Wan Hua. The book indicates and highlights each section with respective colors in accordance with the six sections of the exhibition. The gold ink, symbolizing the past and current culture of Wan Hua, is used throughout the book to keep the overall consistency and unique characteristic of each chapter.

❶ 萬華古今豐富的文化堆疊而成的「質」。

❷ 封面要呈現一個「進入」萬華的儀式(過程)。

Project:裝幀設計 Book design, 美術編輯 Editorial design
Client:忠泰建築文化藝術基金會 Jut Foundation, 大洋製作 Maritime Creation
Design:軌室 Absence Lab

2022 金蝶獎 銅獎
2021 金點設計獎標章(Golden Pin Design Award)

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萬華世界 特集 WAN der LAND