0171 Night Lights
1929 Milky Way and White Pocket, AZ
0312 Cactus, Snow and Fog
7506 Terraces with Steam

0244 Bent but not Broken
0751 View from Waynapicchu
1168 Lightning over North Phoenix, AZ
1735 Milky Way over White Pocket, AZ
1915 Local Antarctic Weather
3960 Grand Canyon Lightning Storm
4034 Looking East, predawn 
4172 Monsoon Storm over Grand Canyon
4461 Canyon Fog and Tree
5092 Low Clouds over Ice
5439 Cascade Creek, NZ
5683 Clouds Mimic Icebergs
6417 Smoke in the Canyon
7652 Monsoon Storm Approaching
7669 Overlooking Reine, Norway
8410 Rialto Beach Sunrise
9636 Fog at Dawn, Romania
9664 Sequoia Stump and Fog

