the Monster is Coming!!!

The Monster is Coming!!!

With the hot screening of "Godzilla vs. Kong", monster fans once again ushered in a carnival. Although the plot is a part of the spectator's criticism, it does not prevent everyone from watching the century showdown between the two top monsters!

Although Godzilla is the ancestor-level monster of the special film, the Ultraman series that affects our childhood are also the ones that can't be avoided when it comes to the topic of large-scale monsters. The wild monster setting has given us a lot of inspiration. With this beautiful memory and infinite expectations for the current monster universe, we launched a special invitation creation event-the monster is coming!

We selected photos of cities from all over the world with a high degree of human perspective, and invited 23 illustrators from China to draw monsters on the photos to create a scene of monster invasion. So the following is the work of the illustrators, let's take a look at what kind of monsters have appeared!

Monsters appear in Tokyo
by 渔夫柴
Monsters appear in Osaka
Monsters appear in Paris
by Middle中鸟
Monsters appear in Dubai
by KD
Monsters appear in Venice
by YuanJiang
Monsters appear in ChengDu
by Dawen21
Monsters appear in Santorini
by 九山DADA
Monsters appear in Busan
by JillZhu
Monsters appear in Amsterdam
by AjoneJun
Monsters appear in Barcelona
Monsters appear in Edinburgh
by 無了了三爷
Monsters appear in Melbourne
by 日光阳
Monsters appear in Vancouver
by lyd李一丹
Monsters appear in Frankfurt
by 小前拳
Monsters appear in Giza
by THETA阿蛙
Monsters appear in Budapest
by March三月
Monsters appear in London
by 209Whiskey
Monsters appear in Los Angeles
by AngryOldWang
Monsters appear in Copenhagen
by 方鱼
Monsters appear in Havana
by 金豆
Monsters appear in  Moscow
by 肥呱子
Monsters appear in Kuala Lumpur
by Fearless阿福
Monsters appear in Stockholm
by JetChen鸡母割令

The event of drawing monsters is over,
but the story about monsters is still going on.
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Thank you for watching!!!
the Monster is Coming!!!