Profil von Joshua Williamson


For a 2nd year business module, i was part of a group that had to generate concepts for a business idea which we would eventually build a business idea around. Each of the team members generated a few ideas and then we decided which one we all liked best. One of the ideas i came up with was an emergency shelter solution that could be rapidly deployed in even the most remote destinations. The idea i came up with was inspired by a pop up tunnel in that there is multiple supports spanning the length of the shelter and a fabric that holds each support together. Recycled plastics would be shredded and mixed with a fire-resistant binder and then this mixture would be pumped into a casting mould which would produce the cross section of the structure. There would then be multiples of these cross sections and they would be connected using a fabric which would be made from recycled PET. Multiple bars would then be placed through the cross section for structural rigidity. Beams could also fold down from the cross section to make beds. The unit would be able to be extended and pushed back together to make it easier to transport. Holes are put in the roof of the fabric for ventilation. This idea was not chosen for the business case and therefore not been developed upon any further. The design for this idea was a basic concept to show the other team mates and not a fully developed solution. 


