The owner of les Deux Rennards was thinking of getting another pinball machine. There was always a line of players waiting for a turn. A deep base voice emanated from
 A speaker under neath the playing surface. “Feed Me” it bellowed, and Feed It... they did. 
You’re not going to get another one of those monstrosities are you. 
Why not? It takes up less space than you and it takes in more euros than you spend in here every night. Plus, the punters that are pumping euros in the slot are drinking 
Beer too.
Soon you’ll be turning this neighborhood pub into an arcade and all of your regulars will be going down to the Rose and Thistle.
They got 3 machines down there, Jack.

Well I’m Off then.
On the Street 2 shadows approached and took the last of Jack’s Euros.
Well better them than that damn machine.
The cops didn’t want to hear it, so he fished the 20 out of his left boot, I don’t know why they never check my boots.
Jack bought a six pack and stumbled home. Come on sleep, wash this night from me. He turned to the wall and soon
Was dreaming
Late Night at the 2 Foxes

Late Night at the 2 Foxes
